Wednesday 16 February 2011


Hello. This is a new blog to showcase the work of Readerswives Collective member Rost. 

Rostone’s work covers a variety of disciplines including graphic design, painting, photography, collage, film and music production. Primarily he sources ‘visual ingredients’ creating a huge sample bank from which he constructs complex collages. The essence of this visual sampling process in his artwork is comparable to that of a hip hop producer who samples from the past, re-appropriates and creates something new. The influence of Pop Art and Graffiti culture are also blatantly apparent, as is his fascination with nostalgia. When compiled and collaged together all these elements create complex layered compositions that deal with the equally complex subjects of love, memory and the coming of age. The narrative is created in the body of work as much as it is the individual pieces, it is about bringing together sampled elements to tell a story.

Often these stories are not blatantly apparent, at first glance areas of whitewashed colour seem nothing more than a dirty canvas, on closer inspection these reveal un-digestible layers of scribbled out pencil scrawl, buffed out imagery and splats of spray-paint. By using a cute and friendly colour palette the viewer is drawn in only to discover a surface that is ugly, layered, scratched, unfinished and yet beautiful at the same time not unlike the complexities of any urban landscape. The juxtaposed placement of the graphically sharp photocopied images, stickers and tape over this painterly base create a jarring effect reminiscent of torn billboard posters against a graffiti covered wall. It is like the painting is trying to hide the fact it is a painting, but not succeeding very well.

Rostone (under the name 76) is also a keen DJ and music producer, he likes crackly old 45rpm singles from the 1950’s, leftfield Hip Hop and strange beepy noises. His music production and artwork often inform each other making for an interesting working process. He is also a serial blogger, professional mud wrestler, style whore, idiot and is the head honcho of the RWC crew. Rostone likes to make shit happen. He is possibly the poorest man alive but his heart is in the right place.

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